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Medicare for All Act of 2023

English Blog,  Latest News   2023/06/05 (月)  4:23 PM

On May 17, 2023, Senator Bernerd Sanders introduced a bill to establish a Medicare-for-all universal health insurance program. 
Unlike Japan, the Unites States has neither universal health coverage nor universal coverage of long-term care.

When looking back to the legislative history regarding above bill in the US,  the process to become law has continued since 2003. 
Among other things, it seems to me that the overturned judgement (Roe vs. Wade) will have more or less influence on this bill. 

According to US representatives who agree with Sen. Sanders, this bill is intended to include following services. 

"The Medicare for All Act builds upon and expands Medicare to provide comprehensive benefits to every person in the United States. This includes primary care, vision, dental, prescription drugs, mental health, substance abuse, long-term services and supports, reproductive health care, and more. The Medicare for All Act of 2023 also includes universal coverage of long-term care with no cost-sharing for older Americans and individuals with disabilities, and prioritizes home and community-based care over institutional care. Additionally, patients have the freedom to choose the doctors, hospitals, and other providers they wish to see without worrying about whether a provider is in-network. Importantly, the legislation streamlines the health care system to negotiate drug prices and reduce exorbitant administrative waste."

Considering the recent social phenomenon that an increasing number of aged people in the US who cannot afford to pay premiums of private insurances have become poverty or bankruptcy because of rising cost of medical treatment or medicines,  enacting a bill is an extremely essential matter for every American people. 



