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2024/07/12 (金)  11:46 AM

Nowadays, the cognitive abilities of the two presidential candidates for the coming presidential election slated in Nov. in the US get more attention from not only  politicians but also voters.

In accordance with "続きを見る

2024/03/24 (日)  7:19 PM

In the Unites States, with regard to real estate commissions, which customers who sell their real estate had to pay a commission of 5-6% to their agents on each trading under the existing standard,  National Association of Realtors (NAR)  made a decision to am...続きを見る

2023/09/27 (水)  3:02 PM

Unlike the current situation related to ambulance in Japan, the cost regarding ambulance in the US pressures on the livelihood of every citizen more than our image.

In accordance with 続きを見る

2023/09/25 (月)  5:06 PM

Among vulnerable people suffering from dementia, severe mental illness, or disabilities, some of them have neither their closest relatives nor ample resources in order to pay daily necessaries despite they need supporters.
Above issue becomes more and m...続きを見る

2023/06/08 (木)  7:00 PM

Much Better Residential Environment- not only persons who have sound mind and memory but also persons who are suffering from dementia or some kind of mental illness should be entitled to enjoy such human right.

In 2009, dementia village, which w...続きを見る

2023/06/05 (月)  4:23 PM

On May 17, 2023, Senator Bernerd Sanders introduced a bill to establish a Medicare-for-all universal health insurance program. 
Unlike Japan, the Unites States has neither universal health coverage nor universal coverage of long-term care.


2023/04/02 (日)  4:05 PM

So far, from the perspective of elder law,  I emphasized each of legal document in order for the upcoming aged persons  to be able to  comply with unintended situation in the future.
This time, aside from legal perspectives, we focus on advanced medical...続きを見る

2022/10/21 (金)  5:57 PM

Whenever legal professionals or lawyers in Japan consult with aged people,  the issue regarding capacity they possess  often emerges.  This matter is the same also in the US.

In case of the US,  as applicable laws presumes that emancipated perso...続きを見る

2022/08/09 (火)  3:53 PM

       In the United States, there are two types of durable power of attorney: financial durable power of attorney  (hereinafter referred to as DPOA) which is governed by Uniform Power of Attorney Act (UPOAA) and health care durable power of attorney which is ...続きを見る

2022/06/13 (月)  2:33 PM

  As mentioned in guardian section in this blog, the UGCOPAA urges judges in the US to consider "least restrictive alternative" before utilizing guardianship for the vulnerable persons.
  Above alternatives include various kinds of legal strategies:...続きを見る

2022/05/04 (水)  2:01 PM

    In terms of terminology related to guardianship, it seems to me that the US pays more attention to people who need such support measures. 

    Particularly, as the Uniform Law Commision explains in the 続きを見る

2022/04/04 (月)  6:12 PM

   After filing a petition for appointment of a guardian, the next issue is how to evaluate and determine incapacity of the respondent.

   In Japan, with increasing the number of above petition because of advancing super-aging society,  the rece...続きを見る

2022/02/23 (水)  5:25 PM

 In order to  initiate guardianship proceeding, someone must file a guardianship petition. 

 In accordance with Article 7, 11,15 of Civil Code and other relevant legislations, Japan restricts the range of petitioners such as: respondent, spous...続きを見る

2022/01/19 (水)  6:42 PM

From my perspective, the most significant difference between two countries lies in the underlying thoughts toward the guardianship. 


In case of Japan, it seems to me that a number of experts and laypersons consider that the guardianship ...続きを見る

2021/10/13 (水)  7:18 PM

In the wake of increasing the number of people aged 65 and over, Japan is facing an aging society and struggling with issues regarding people who are suffering from Alzheimer's disease or mental illness.


Amid such concerns, Japanese guar...続きを見る
